About me

A little about me and my mission

Hi, I’m George, I’ve been making websites since October of 2023 but have always had a keen interest in website creation and design. I studied in college for software engineering which involved website development, I found web design interesting and then joined the team at Bristol Web Design which ignited my passion. With some help from my co-workers, I was inspired to freelance. And that’s how Foster Web Designs was born.

Growing up around Wiveliscombe and Taunton I’ve seen many small businesses sell great products but find it hard to reach out to potential customers online. I started Foster Web Designs in February 2024 with the mission to change that, with help from my friends at Bristol Web Design, I made my first website and then went on to paying clients.

I believe that every business should have a professional, bespoke, and stunning online representation so that they can thrive and prosper. I made an e-commerce platform for my family business which has boosted its sales and has become a hub of everything to do with that business.

Come to Foster Web Designs to kick-start your business in the new digital era!

What I can do for you

I design every website with what you want in mind and will heavily involve you in the process of the creation of the website to ensure that you get the quality that you deserve. Any revisions that you need to ongoing websites or previous websites, I can do.

My social media marketing and Google Ads services are designed to build up your online presence and following so more people will not only buy your product but be invested in it and your brand. This has been tried and tested with multiple of my clients with great results.

Anything to do with your business and its representation on the internet I would be more than happy to help you with. With my technical support package, I can maintain your website after it has been published.

I can run you through the analytics of the website and show you insights into how your online presence can be refined for better results. Together we can grow your business with smart decision making.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so are we. We stay ahead of the curve by embracing the latest trends, technologies, and best practices, ensuring that your website remains competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced world.

I look forward to working with you and your business in the future!

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